Career Development Post-Secondary Ed. Resources
The Texas Career Development Association in coordination with the Texas Tech University Career Center has created this list of resources for those seeking employment during and post COVID-19.
Career autonomy is the extent to which students understand their freedom and discretion in establishing and impacting the pace, shape, and direction of their careers. Build your career autonomy in the following ways:
Take available assessments
Take assessments through your campus career services or online. Determine your personality, interests, values and aptitudes, and learn how they relate to your personal career development.
Meet with career counselor
Meet with a career counselor. Seek out your own college or university‘s career services center and make an appointment with a career counselor for career exploration.
Identify jobs that interest you
Identify jobs that interest you and delve into research about these options.
Wellness involves taking care of yourself through self-care practices and engagement in your communities.
Practice self-care and healthy habits
Practice self-care and healthy habits, such as eating healthy, practicing sleep hygiene, exercising regularly, building your friendships, and avoiding drugs and alcohol. Other tips include:
Identify and utilize campus resources
Identify and utilize campus resources. Most college campuses will offer multiple programs and services oriented to improving your holistic development.
Community involvement
Become involved in your community. Volunteer opportunities abound in your own community and may be found locally or online.
Gain information about your areas of interest as well as projected marketability in the short- and long-term future for your chosen fields.
Research & network to build contacts
Research individuals and companies of interest. Network with others to build contacts. Contact professionals working in your field of interest. Request an informational interview from the person in the occupation you seek.
Gain experience in part-time jobs
Gain knowledge and practical experience through part-time employment. Reach out to your campus‘ career services for job search opportunities. Seek positions in which you gain transferable skills to your career choices.
Locate an internship
Locate an internship through campus resources and through the following links.
Create a LinkedIn account
Create a LinkedIn account and invest time in tutorials that will help you create an account that attracts recruiters.
- How To Create a LinkedIn Profile
Resilience and adaptability are key components of coping during a pandemic. Think outside of the box and pursue opportunities in the short-term that will allow you to grow toward the future.
Pursue multiple forms of learning
Pursuing multiple forms of learning can help you boost your resume. Check out the resources below.
- MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll.
- Free ivy league online courses
- LinkedIn courses
- FlexJobs
- AngelList
Seek e-commerce opportunities
Consider contract projects, temporary work
Consider temporary work.
Resource created by TCDA and the Texas Tech University Career Center.